Trip Tracker allows students, faculty, and staff to register solo and group off-campus travel. Use it as a stand-alone travel management system for study abroad, athletics, field study, conferences, etc., or in combination with any of the CleryEdge tier bundles.

Field Study
  • Customize the type of information you collect from different types of travelers (itinerary, accommodations, transportation, rentals, approval, funding, and more).
  • Improve compliance by requiring users to acknowledge that they’ve read and understand your institution’s travel, research, export control, and other policy documents.
  • Lower risk by preventing users from registering trips to high-risk countries and reviewing proposed trips to other countries you designate before approving them.
  • Track travel trends, streamline insurance purchases, and submit information to the State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program using pre-built reports.
  • Use notifications and custom emails to share important trip-related information with specific groups of travelers.