Identifying your institution’s Clery Geography locations is essential to compliance success. So, too, is tracking changes to your Clery Geography over time. CleryEdge lets you create and update your Clery Geography list, so it is always accurate and accessible, and also allows you to quickly access archived lists from previous years.

  • Create and track the “effective dates” each location is reportable within a specific Clery Geography category.
  • Associate reportable locations with their relevant Clery campus to maintain campus-specific Clery Geography lists.
  • Link each reportable location with one or more local law enforcement agencies to streamline crime statistic requests.
  • Keep track of locations that have been reviewed and deemed to be not Clery-reportable.
  • Designate whether locations populated in the system are part of the expanded patrol zone of your campus police or public safety agency (if you have one).
  • Contact campus colleagues to request potential Noncampus locations, then screen them to determine if they should be added to your list of Clery geography locations.