Security Certifications

CleryEdge is TX-RAMP Level 2 certified.

Security is central to the work we do. Here’s how we handle the data we’re entrusted with.

Data in Transit

Communication between the CleryEdge application, database, and users is protected by TLS encryption. This is the same level of encryption used by banks and all other processors of highly-sensitive data.

Data at Rest

CleryEdge uses Transparent Data Encryption, a security tool that encrypts data at rest using an AES encryption algorithm. The database security provided by our service host also undergoes regular audits and is certified to be in compliance with current security standards.


CleryEdge never touches sensitive credit-card data, either for our paying customers or for our invoice payment process. All credit card payment information is handled entirely by our payment processing service, which maintains the highest level of PCI-DSS compliance.

Security Testing

We regularly test for vulnerabilities using both internal and external resources. Any potential security vulnerabilities we identify are escalated for immediate investigation and take priority over other system engineering tasks.

Physical Data Center Security

CleryEdge is hosted with a top-tier cloud services provider that operates fully-redundant data center facilities. Our development and production environments are located in the United States, ensuring that system data does not cross U.S. borders. The data center we use has extensive layers of protection, to include access approval at the facility’s perimeter, at the building’s perimeter, inside the building, and on the data center floor. Its hosting infrastructure meets a broad set of industry-specific compliance standards, to include ISO 27001, HIPAA, FedRAMP, and SOC1/SOC2/SOC3.

Data Loss Prevention

All application, data, and files are backed-up daily and we’ve never suffered a data loss event. Backups are kept on a rolling basis according to our Secure Development Policy.

User Access Control

Our customers determine who has access to CleryEdge and their data by creating and assigning permissions for their users.

Additional security information is available for institutions requesting proposals. Please contact us for more information.